Pure Service: Becoming a Coal of Fire
God purifies us like a live coal touched to Isaiah’s lips. Through His Spirit, He refines our hearts, burning away impurities and preparing us for His service. As we yield to this process, we become vessels for His power, bringing warmth and revival to others.
"Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin purged." - Isaiah 6:6-7 (KJV)
In the stillness of the ancient temple, the prophet Isaiah found himself transported into the very throne room of God. Overwhelmed by the holiness of the Almighty, he became acutely aware of his own unworthiness. It was in this moment of profound humility that God's provision appeared - a seraphim with a live coal from the altar. This coal, touched to Isaiah's lips, symbolized the purifying power of God, preparing the prophet for divine service.
Today, dear believer, God extends to us the same invitation - to be purified and prepared for His service. Not with a physical coal, but through the refining work of His Spirit, He seeks to transform us into spiritual "coals of fire" - pure, consistent, and effective instruments for His use.
Consider the nature of charcoal, that humble yet powerful substance. Formed through intense heat and pressure, with all volatility burned away, it becomes a source of steady, smoke-free heat. So too are we called to undergo a spiritual transformation, allowing the heat of God's refining process to burn away our impurities, our selfish motives, our inconsistencies. Only then can we offer the pure, uncontaminated service that God desires.
This process of becoming a "coal of fire" for God is not a single event, but a continuous journey of submission and purification. It requires a willingness to be placed in the crucible of God's refining fire, to endure the discomfort of having our impurities exposed and burned away. Yet, oh, the glorious outcome of such a process! To become an instrument that God can use without hindrance, a vessel through which His power can flow without contamination.
The Apostle Paul understood this concept well when he urged, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service" (Romans 12:1, KJV). This living sacrifice is not meant to be offered once and then forgotten, but to be presented continually, day by day, moment by moment. It is a constant yielding of our will to God's, a perpetual submission to His refining work.
As we submit to this process, we find that our service to God takes on a new quality. No longer do we serve out of mere duty or self-interest, but out of a pure devotion that springs from a refined heart. Our prayers cease to be contaminated by selfish motives, instead becoming a pure incense rising before God's throne. Our words and actions begin to reflect more clearly the character of Christ, unobscured by the smoke of our own "volatility."
Imagine, if you will, a blacksmith's forge. The coal burns steadily, providing the intense, consistent heat necessary to shape metal. The blacksmith does not need to constantly tend the fire or clear away smoke; he can focus entirely on the work at hand. In the same way, when we become spiritual "coals of fire," God can use us effectively in His work. We no longer hinder His purposes with our inconsistencies or self-centered agendas. Instead, we provide a steady, pure channel through which His power can flow.
This state of being - this "coal of fire" existence - is not achieved through our own efforts. It is the work of God's Spirit in us, as we yield ourselves to Him. As the prophet Zechariah declared, "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6, KJV). Our role is simply to submit to the refining process, to remain in the crucible even when the heat intensifies, trusting in the skilled hand of our divine Refiner.
The impact of such a life is immeasurable. Just as a single coal can ignite a great fire, so can one purified, Spirit-filled believer impact countless lives for God's kingdom. Our consistent, pure service becomes a testimony to God's transforming power. Our steadfast faith in the midst of trials encourages others to trust in God's refining process. Our words, purged of selfish motives, carry the weight of divine authority and the warmth of God's love.
Dear reader, where do you find yourself in this refining process? Are you resisting the heat, clinging to the volatile elements of your old nature? Or are you yielding to God's purifying work, allowing Him to transform you into a "coal of fire" for His use? Remember, it is not the greatness of our abilities that God seeks, but the purity of our devotion. He can use the humblest instrument, if only it is fully yielded to Him.
Let us, then, submit ourselves anew to God's refining work. Let us invite Him to burn away all that is impure, all that hinders our effectiveness in His service. May we become those steady, consistent "coals of fire" that God can use to warm cold hearts, to shape stubborn wills, to ignite revival in a world desperate for His touch.
Let us pray:
Heavenly Father, Master Refiner, we come before You with hearts open and willing. We confess that too often our service has been marred by impure motives, by the smoke of our own selfish desires. We have tried to serve You in our own strength, relying on our wisdom rather than Your Spirit.
Forgive us, Lord, and purify us. We invite Your refining fire into every area of our lives. Burn away all that is not of You - our pride, our self-reliance, our hidden agendas. Transform us into those pure "coals of fire" that You can use without hindrance in Your divine work.
Grant us the grace to remain steady in Your service, providing a consistent witness to Your love and power. May our words be purified, our actions refined, our very lives a testament to Your transforming grace. Use us, Lord, to bring warmth to cold hearts, to soften hardened wills, to ignite passion for You in the lives of others.
We yield ourselves afresh to You, trusting in Your perfect love and wisdom. Make us instruments fit for Your use, channels through which Your power can flow unimpeded. May our service bring glory to Your name and advance Your kingdom in this world.
In Jesus' name, Amen.
"For our God is a consuming fire." - Hebrews 12:29 (KJV)