Summer's Tree
"Summer's tree" is a hopeful meditation on life's seasons. It encourages resilience through change, reminding us that dormant periods are necessary for growth. The poem culminates with a promise of renewal, echoing the biblical metaphor of death preceding new life.
Summer's Tree
by R. J. Wasinger Jr.
Oh, Summer's tree,
Full of strength renown,
Do not lose the light of hope
When Autumn dims thy crown.
Fail not, courageous tree! Keep Heart!
For Winter must unfold,
And touch thy lovely leaves now brown
And fallen in its cold.
Pray! For Springtime surely cometh,
And in thy root must steadfast hold,
The Life that now will blossom
In Eternal Love untold.
"Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone:
but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." John 12:24