The Call to Come Before Being Sent
A powerful reminder of God's sacred order: the call to come before being sent - how intimate communion with God must precede and fuel all true ministry and service.
A powerful reminder of God's sacred order: the call to come before being sent - how intimate communion with God must precede and fuel all true ministry and service.
God designs each believer's spiritual journey uniquely, like a master tailor crafting a perfect fit. Stop comparing your path - embrace His custom plan for you.
A profound look at divine selection through Jacob and Esau - revealing how God values a hungry, wrestling heart over superficial righteousness and instant gratification.
A beautiful reflection on spiritual freedom - understanding the Holy Spirit as divine wind, calling believers to balance holy structure with openness to God's unexpected movements.
God purifies us like a live coal touched to Isaiah’s lips. Through His Spirit, He refines our hearts, burning away impurities and preparing us for His service. As we yield to this process, we become vessels for His power, bringing warmth and revival to others.
God refines His children like silver in the fire, allowing trials to burn away impurities. As we endure hardship, He shapes our hearts to reflect His glory. Though painful, the process perfects us, making us useful vessels for His service and reflecting Christ’s image.
The Apostle Paul’s desire was to know Christ fully—experiencing both the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. True spiritual growth comes as we move beyond self-centered faith to a life fully surrendered to God's will and purpose.
Spiritual hunger is essential for growth. Jesus promises that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled. Ask God to awaken and increase your desire for His presence, and let that hunger lead you deeper into Him.
In Christ, we die to ourselves and live by His life within us. Our journey shifts from a self-centered faith to a God-centered life, where we find true purpose, joy, and identity in surrendering to His will.
You are God's masterpiece, carefully crafted for a purpose. As His workmanship, He shapes your life for the good works He has already prepared for you. Surrender to His creative process and watch His perfect design unfold.
Jesus' resurrection isn't just a past event—it's a living reality. As believers, we are called to wait for His power and live in the fullness of the resurrection, empowered by the Holy Spirit to witness and transform the world around us.
The anointing of God destroys every yoke and lifts every burden. In times of opposition, remember that His anointing empowers you to overcome. Fix your eyes on Jesus, and let His strength carry you through every trial.