The Fellowship of His Sufferings
Embrace the sacred intimacy found in the fellowship of Christ's sufferings, where sacrifice deepens our relationship with Him.
"That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death" - Philippians 3:10
There exists a profound depth of relationship that emerges only through shared experience, particularly in moments of sacrifice and suffering. This truth finds its ultimate expression in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through what Scripture calls "the fellowship of his sufferings." This fellowship represents far more than merely enduring hardship; it opens the door to a sacred identification with Christ that can be known no other way.
Consider how veterans of the same conflict share a bond that others cannot fully comprehend. Their shared experiences, especially in moments of extreme trial, create a depth of understanding and fellowship that transcends ordinary relationships. In a far more profound way, when we enter into the fellowship of Christ's sufferings, we experience a dimension of relationship with Him that mere theological understanding cannot provide.
This fellowship operates in two distinct yet interrelated dimensions. First, as we enter into Christ's own burden and suffering for humanity, we begin to share His heart's concern rather than merely pursuing our own spiritual ambitions. This sharing in His burden provides sustaining power that outlasts any motivation derived from personal experience or human determination. When we minister from our own burden, our strength quickly exhausts itself in the face of opposition. However, when we enter into fellowship with His sufferings—His ongoing concern and sacrifice for humanity—we find ourselves carried by a strength beyond our own.
Yet there exists an even deeper dimension to this fellowship. As we willingly lay down our lives in the pattern of Christ's sacrifice, we enter into a profound identification with Him that can be known no other way. Just as those who have endured similar trials share an unspoken bond, our willing participation in Christ's path of sacrifice creates an intimacy with Him that defies mere description. This represents more than simple empathy; it establishes a sacred fellowship of shared experience with our Lord.
Consider the profound implications. The very experiences we might naturally seek to avoid become doorways into deeper intimacy with Christ. Each opportunity to lay down our rights, to choose the path of sacrifice over self-preservation, invites us into closer identification with our Lord who "made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant." This path, while costly to our natural inclinations, leads to a depth of relationship with Christ that cannot be achieved through any other means.
The apostle Paul understood this mystery. His declaration, "That I may know him," is immediately followed by "and the fellowship of his sufferings." Paul recognized that the deepest knowledge of Christ comes through sharing in His path of sacrifice. This explains his remarkable statement elsewhere: "I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord." Paul had discovered that the sacrificial path, while demanding, leads to an intimacy with Christ that makes every loss worthwhile.
This understanding transforms our perspective on difficulties and opportunities for sacrifice. Instead of viewing them merely as trials to endure, we begin to recognize them as invitations into deeper fellowship with our Lord. Each circumstance that requires us to lay down our lives, our rights, or our preferences becomes an opportunity to enter more fully into identification with Christ. The very experiences that our natural selves would resist become precious opportunities for deepening our relationship with Him.
Dear seeker of God, perhaps you face circumstances that require sacrifice, that call for the laying down of your own rights or desires. Take heart—these very experiences, embraced willingly in fellowship with Christ, can lead you into depths of relationship with Him that you could know no other way. While the path may appear costly, it leads to an intimacy with the Lord that far surpasses any temporal sacrifice.
Let us pray:
Lord Jesus, we stand in awe of the privilege You extend to us—to enter into fellowship with Your sufferings. Forgive us for resisting the very experiences that could draw us closer to You. Grant us grace not only to accept but to embrace opportunities for sacrifice, knowing they lead to deeper identification with You. May we learn to recognize every invitation to lay down our lives as an opportunity for deeper fellowship with You. Draw us into that sacred intimacy that comes only through shared sacrifice. In Your precious name, Amen.
"Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body." - 2 Corinthians 4:10