The Seed of Eternal Life

From seed to eternity: a profound meditation on how our earthly journey shapes our eternal nature, as God cultivates His divine life within yielded hearts.

The Seed of Eternal Life
"Potato Planters" by Jean-François Millet (1861).

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." - John 12:24 (KJV)

In the vast expanse of eternity, our earthly lives may seem but a fleeting moment. Yet, in the wisdom of our Lord, this brief span holds immeasurable significance. For it is in the soil of our present existence that the seed of our eternal nature is being formed, nurtured, and prepared for the glorious sprouting that awaits in the world to come.

Consider, dear reader, the miracle of a seed. Within its humble shell lies the potential for a mighty oak, a fragrant rose, or a field of waving wheat. So too, within the confines of our mortal frames, God is cultivating the seed of eternal life - a new creation in Christ, destined for unimaginable glory.

This present time we have is the most crucial part of eternity. It is now that the seed is being formed. Oh, what weightiness this lends to our daily choices, our responses to trials, our pursuit of holiness! Every moment becomes sacred, every experience a divinely appointed opportunity for this eternal seed to develop.

But let us not be deceived - this formation is no passive process. The Apostle Peter reminds us that we are "born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever" (1 Peter 1:23, KJV). This incorruptible seed demands our active participation, our willing submission to the Master Gardener's hand.

How then shall we cooperate with this divine cultivation? First, we must embrace the principle of death and resurrection that lies at the heart of spiritual growth. Our Lord Jesus himself said, "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit" (John 12:24, KJV). There must be a daily dying to self, a willing surrender of our own plans and desires, that the life of Christ might flourish within us.

Secondly, we must nourish this seed with the pure milk and meat of God's Word, allowing its truths to shape our character and inform our choices. We must expose ourselves to the light of God's presence through prayer and worship, for it is in this light that divine photosynthesis occurs, transforming the raw materials of our experiences into the sweet fruit of Christlikeness.

Thirdly, we must patiently endure the seasons of growth - the gentle rains of blessing, the harsh winds of trial, the long nights of waiting. For it is through these varied experiences that our eternal seed develops depth, resilience, and fruitfulness.

As we yield to this process, a remarkable transformation occurs. The constraints of our earthly existence will fall away, and the true nature of what God has been forming in us will be revealed. Indeed, the Scriptures hint at this unveiling when they speak of receiving a new name in heaven. This name, far from being arbitrary, will be a true reflection of the character and nature that has been developed in us through our earthly pilgrimage. Every choice for righteousness, every act of love, every moment of faithful endurance is contributing to this eternal identity.

"Every trial you face, every temptation you overcome, every act of obedience is shaping your eternal seed. You are not merely existing; you are becoming."

Oh, beloved of God, do you see the magnitude of what is occurring in your life right now? Every trial you face, every temptation you overcome, every act of obedience is shaping your eternal seed. You are not merely existing; you are becoming. In the hands of the Master Gardener, your life is a seed of immeasurable potential and eternal significance.

Let us, therefore, live with purposeful intentionality, ever mindful of the seed we are becoming. Let us yield gladly to the pruning knife of the Spirit, welcome the fertilizing agents of trial and testing, and stretch ever upward towards the light of God's countenance. For soon, ah soon, this seed will be planted in the soil of eternity, and what glorious fruit it shall bear!

"Let us yield gladly to the pruning knife of the Spirit, welcome the fertilizing agents of trial and testing, and stretch ever upward towards the light of God's countenance."

Dear one, let us pray:

Our Father in Heaven, Supreme Cultivator of Souls, we bow before You in awe and gratitude. We thank You for the incorruptible seed of eternal life You have planted within us through Your Son, Jesus Christ. We marvel at Your wisdom in using our earthly lives as the formative ground for our eternal nature.

Lord, we confess that we often lose sight of the eternal significance of our daily lives. Forgive us for the times we have neglected the cultivation of our spiritual seed, choosing instead the fleeting pleasures or cares of this world. We invite Your searching gaze upon the garden of our hearts. Uproot any weeds that threaten to choke our growth, break up any hardened soil of indifference, and water us deeply with Your living Word.

Holy Spirit, work in us mightily. Grant us the courage to embrace the dying that must precede true living. Help us to cooperate fully with Your formative work, yielding to Your gentle yet persistent touch. May we be ever mindful of the eternal seed You are nurturing within us.

Lord Jesus, You are our perfect example of a life fully yielded to the Father's will. Conform us to Your image, we pray. May our choices, our responses to trials, and our interactions with others all contribute to the development of a character that reflects Your own.

Father, we look forward with eager anticipation to that day when the seed You have formed in us will spring forth in the atmosphere of heaven. Until then, may our lives be a fragrant offering to You, a testament to Your transforming grace.

We offer ourselves fully as soil for Your planting, as seeds for Your nurturing, trusting in Your perfect wisdom and unfailing love. In Jesus' name, Amen.

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." - Philippians 1:6 (KJV)

Based on Wade Taylor's message "The Song of Solomon — Part 1."